Teach@ND Day

    Friday, February 21, 2025 at 9:00 AM until 1:30 PMEastern Standard Time UTC -05:00

    Smith Ballroom (Morris Inn)
    Kaneb Center, IN
    United States

    Offered by Kaneb Center for for Teaching Excellence

    If you Teach@ND, this event is for you!

    Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence is setting aside February 21 to celebrate and support the excellent teaching that happens on our campus. We will have events, giveaways, and more meant to recognize the immense value of your work and your connections with students.

    Please register by February 3.

    Lightning Talks Session

    9:00–10:30 a.m.

    Notre Dame faculty who have participated in the Kaneb Center Course Design AcademyNotre Dame Inclusive Teaching Academy, and the Foundational Course Transformation Academy will share informal, three-minute lightning talks about exciting aspects of their own teaching. Come grab a cup of coffee and learn more about some of the great teaching going on right here on our campus.

    Keynote: “A Pedagogy of Kindness”

    10:30–11:45 a.m.
    Speaker: Cate Denial, Knox College

    What does it mean to practice a Pedagogy of Kindness? This presentation will explore three tenets of compassionate teaching: justice, believing students, and believing in students. We’ll reflect together on what kindness (and its lack) has meant to us within academia, and how we can—piece by piece—assemble a kind approach to pedagogy that meets the needs of our students and ourselves in a time of great change.

    Lunch for Teach@ND Day Attendees

    12:00–1:30 p.m.

    Take the time to connect with colleagues and join us for lunch! 

    Please register at this link.