Which Graduate School Should I Apply To?

    Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 9:30 AM until 12:20 AMUS Eastern Standard Time UTC -05:00

    247 Hesburgh Library, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholars
    Hesburgh Libraries, IN
    United States

    Register through Hesburgh Libraries

    Curious about graduate school and want to know which program is right for you based on the research they produce? Selecting a grad school should include something other than departmental reputation. When you spend 2-8 years in grad school, you want to make sure that the department does research that matches what you are passionate about.

    By searching a bibliographic database(s), you can determine which institutions are doing the research that matches your career goals. In addition, you can find out who at those institutions is doing that research. Armed with this information, you can have productive conversations with Notre Dame mentors and seek out those people who can help you get where you want to go.

    Bring your laptop. The session will be interactive.

    Open to Graduate Students, Undergraduates, Faculty, Staff, Postdocs

    Contact Info
    Thurston Miller
    Physical Sciences Librarian
    (574) 631-4549
    143 Hesburgh Library

    Please register for this event on the Hesburgh Library's website.