Wrangling Data with Google Sheets

    Friday, March 21, 2025 at 1:00 PM until 3:00 PMUS Eastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

    264 Hesburgh Library (Technology Comons)
    Hesburgh Libraries, IN
    United States

    Register through Hesburgh Libraries

    BI stands for Business Intelligence. It refers to the processes, technologies, and tools used to gather, store, analyze, and present data in order to facilitate informed decision-making within an organization. With a vast array of features for manipulating data into actionable insights, spreadsheets are one of the most powerful tools in the BI toolbox.

    This two-hour workshop will demonstrate the power of Google Sheets to gather, clean, manipulate, analyze, and present data in visually impactful ways. This workshop will orient attendees to an essential tool for becoming a data-driven decision-maker. During the workshop, you'll get hands-on experience in how sheets can help you and your colleagues make better decisions through data.

    Instructed by
    Emerging Technologies Librarian, Randal Sean Harrison

    As the Emerging Technologies Librarian for the Hesburgh Library, Randy assists users with the identification, evaluation, and use of emerging technologies in the creation of a variety of media-rich projects, explores innovative online tools and related services, and identifies learning and engagement opportunities to support student research and promote student success.

    Ph.D., Rhetoric and Technical Communication, Michigan Technological University M.A., Rhetoric and Writing, San Diego State University B.A., English, San Diego State University

    For more information: randalseanharrison.com

    Please register for this event on the Hesburgh Library's website.