Introduction to GitHub and Markdown

    Friday, March 28, 2025 at 1:00 PM until 2:00 PMUS Eastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

    264 Hesburgh Library, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholars
    Hesburgh Libraries, IN
    United States

    Register through Hesburgh Libraries
    Offered by the Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarhip.

    Learn the basic functions of contributing to a repository and writing documents in its preferred plain-text format, markdown.

    Git is a popular “version control” system used to archive and track changes in files. Traditionally used for software development, Git and the online platform GitHub have been adopted for projects of all kinds, including humanities research.

    This workshop guides patrons through the basic functions of contributing to a repository and writing documents in its preferred plain-text format, markdown.

    For beginners and those who need a refresher.

    Open to Graduate Students, Undergraduates, Faculty, Staff, Public, Alumni, & Friends, Postdocs

    Instructed By
    English Literature and Digital Humanities Librarian, Daniel Johnson

    Daniel Johnson is subject specialist for English literature and digital humanities. He has graduate degrees in English from Wake Forest University (MA) and Princeton University (PhD), where he specialized in literature of the long eighteenth-century.

    Please register for this event on the Hesburgh Library's website.