Bringing Order to Qualitative Madness with ATLAS.ti

    Friday, February 21, 2025 at 10:30 AM until 11:30 AMUS Eastern Standard Time UTC -05:00

    220 Hesburgh Library, Collaboration Hub
    Hesburgh Libraries, IN
    United States

    Register through Hesburgh Libraries

    Offered by the Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarhip.

    Learn how to use ATLAS.ti to bring order to the chaos of your qualitative research project.

    If you're in the middle of a qualitative research project, you're probably juggling dozens of documents that need to be coded. Interview transcripts, focus group transcripts, digitized text — whatever your source material is, you could use a system for organizing and coding it all. This is where ATLAS.ti comes in!

    At this workshop, you will learn how to use ATLAS.ti to bring order to the chaos of your qualitative research project.

    This workshop is designed for beginners.

    Open to Graduate Students, Undergraduates, Faculty, Staff, Postdocs

    Instructed By
    Political Science and Peace Studies Librarian, Mark Robison

    As the Political Science and Peace Studies Librarian, Mark Robison works with students and faculty in the Department of Political Science, the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, the Keough School of Global Affairs, and elsewhere on campus, to support their research. To connect these students and faculty to the information they need, Mark provides research consultations and delivers library instruction sessions. Mark is also responsible for the development and management of the political science collection.

    His research interests include student outreach, transfer student success, and "libraries of things."

    Please register for this event on the Hesburgh Library's website.